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2-4 Rue des Arbousiers
St. Mathiew De TréViers, 34270 FRANCE


Booth 4

Benefitting from 20 years of experience, Kloe is a French direct laser writer and mask aligner manufacturer which offers the global range of photolithography equipment: from uv-led exposure-masking system and mask aligners to direct laser writing machines and high resolution 3D printer.
Our equipment propose some great technological breakthrough, like:
- a real vectorial mode of writing and dynamically controlled stages for our Dilase range of maskless equipment
- a cold monochromatic UV-LED source and an unrivalled quality of collimation for our UV-KUB range of maskers and mask aligners
- the capability to create large volume objects (100x100x50mm3) with a very high resolution

Booklet Dilase-Direct laser writing range

Booklet UV-KUB-UV-LED masker and mask aligners range

Datasheet mask aligner UV-KUB 3

Datasheet high resolution 3D printer Dilase 3D